
C# Coding Standards

In this article, we’ll learn how we can optimize lines of code, which we should follow to write better, more clear code


In this article, we’ll learn how we can optimize lines of codes, which we should follow to write better, more clear code.

As per my thinking, there are some golden rules to achieve good coding standards.

  1. Naming conventions
  2. Optimizing syntax
Now, we are going to understand each above point in detail.


Naming Conventions

How we should declare variables.

Note –  We should always use camel case while declaring variables, like var itemList = new List<T>();

To declare a variable which returns a single entity/object.

var item = new Item();

To declare a variable that returns multiple entity/objects means to add “s” or “List” suffix, so we can easily identify that it will return a list of classes/objects.

var items = new List<Item>();   
var itemList = new List<Item>();

To declare a private variable, we use “_”.

private int _value = 10;

Naming conventions table

Name Case
Variables camelCase
Class PascalCase
Constructor PascalCase
Properties PascalCase
Delegate PascalCase
Enum PascalCase
Arguments in methods camelCase
Method PascalCase
Constants PascalCase
Field camelCase

Optimize syntax

To declare an empty method that only returns a view in MVC, we should use the expression body.
public ActionResult Dashboard()  
    return View();  
public ActionResult Dashboard() => View();

To check null or empty condition. 

var varName = "faisal";  
if (varName != null && varName != "")  
var varName = "faisal";  
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(varName))  

Use null coalescing expression,

Test test = new Test();  
var varName = test.Name != null ? test.Name : "";  
var varName = test.Name ?? "";

Use object initializer,

Test test = new Test();  
test.Id = 1;  
test.Name = "faisal";  
var test = new Test  
   Id = 1,  
   Name = "faisal"  

Use ?. operator,

var empName = "";  
Session["Name"] = "Faisal Pathan";  
if (Session["Name"] != null)  
   empName = Session["Name"].ToString();  
     empName = "";  
var empName = "";  
Session["Name"] = "Faisal Pathan";  
empName = Session["Name"]?.ToString() ?? "";
Avoid extra braces,
Note – only work with single line statements.
var count = 10;  
 if (count > 0)  
 if (count > 0) count++; //code  
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)  
   count += 10;  
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) count += 10;  
var testList = new List<Test>();  
var names = new ArrayList();  
foreach (var item in testList)  
foreach (var item in testList) names.Add(item.Name);

Use string interpolation. 

 Test test = new Test();  
 var details = string.Format("{0}, you are welcome, Your Id is {1}", test.Name , test.Id + "_emp");  
var details = $"{test.Name}, you are welcome, Your Id is {test.Id}_emp";

New lightweight switch-case with c# 8, 

int itemSwitch = 1;  
switch (itemSwitch)  
 case 1:  
 Console.WriteLine("Item 1");  
 case 2:  
 Console.WriteLine("Item 2");  
 case 3: 
 Console.WriteLine("Item 3"); 
 Console.WriteLine("Default item case");  
 var message = itemSwitch switch   
                1 =>  Console.WriteLine("Item 1"),  
                2 =>  Console.WriteLine("Item 2"),  
                3 =>  Console.WriteLine("Item 3") ,
                _ => "Default item case" 

Please give your valuable feedback/comments/questions about this article below. Please let me know how you like and understand this article and how I could improve it.

Faisal Pathan

Faisal Pathan is a founder of TheCodeHubs, .NET Project Manager/Team Leader, and C# Corner MVP. He has extensive experience with designing and developing enterprise-scale applications. He has good skills in ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS, Angular, React, NodeJS, Amazon S3, Web API, EPPlus, Amazon MWS, eBay Integration, SQL, Entity Framework, JavaScript, eCommerce Integration like Walmart, Tanga, Newegg, Group-on Store, etc. and Windows services.

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  • Really helpful for me,
    it's really helpful to improve my coding structure.
    can you please send more posts about c# coding standards.


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Faisal Pathan

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