How To Crop, Zoom, Scale, Flip, Rotate, Preview And Upload Image In Base64 With Example Using Angular

In this article we will implement Image Cropping, Zooming, Scaling, Flip, Rotate and Preview functionality while uploading using angular. The user is presented with a window for a user to crop any area on the browsed image and preview the image’s selected section.

Create RSS Reader In Angular

Create an Angular RSS reader We are going to create RSS reader in angular, let’s start. Create angular project using below command. $ npm install -g angular-cli (if not installed) $ ng new angular-rss-reader Now just select the app in your terminal. $ cd angular-rss-reader $ ng -o serve Open http://localhost:4200 to see the app…

ListGrid View In Angular 9

In this article, we are going to see, how we can create a two-dimensional view (List and Grid) layout in angular. To perform this we will use bootstrap. This kind of design will very helpful in certain scenarios like if we want list and grid layout for same kind of data like Product listing, Manage products, etc. 


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