In this article, we will overview the SQL queries for how to convert rows to columns using pivot in SQL.
Please review the following steps :
CREATE TABLE Product ( [StoreId] int, [Month] int, [Count] int ); INSERT INTO Product ( [StoreId], [Month], [Count] ) VALUES (102, 1, 96), (101, 1, 138), (105, 1, 37), (109, 1, 59), (101, 2, 282), (102, 2, 212), (105, 2, 78), (109, 2, 97), (105, 3, 60), (102, 3, 123), (101, 3, 220), (109, 3, 87), (102, 4, 96), (101, 4, 138), (105, 4, 37), (109, 4, 59), (101, 5, 282), (102, 5, 212), (105, 5, 78), (109, 5, 97), (105, 6, 60), (102, 6, 123), (101, 6, 220), (109, 6, 87), (102, 7, 96), (101, 7, 138), (105, 7, 37), (109, 7, 59), (101, 8, 282), (102, 8, 212), (105, 8, 78), (109, 8, 97), (105, 9, 60), (102, 9, 123), (101, 9, 220), (109, 9, 87), (102, 10, 96), (101, 10, 138), (105, 10, 37), (109, 10, 59), (101, 11, 282), (102, 11, 212), (105, 11, 78), (109, 11, 97), (105, 12, 60), (102, 12, 123), (101, 12, 220), (109, 12, 87);
select * from ( select StoreId, Month, Count from Product ) src pivot ( sum(Count) for Month in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]) ) piv;
Output :
DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX) select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(Month) from Product group by Month order by Month FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'') set @query = 'SELECT StoreId,' + @cols + ' from ( select StoreId, Month, Count from Product ) x pivot ( sum(Count) for Month in (' + @cols + ') ) p ' execute(@query);
Output :
Hope this will help you with the pivot table concept.
if you have any questions or issues about this article, please let me know.
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular