In this blog, I explain how to add customer, get a customer and also update customer using the QuickBooks API v3 in c#.
{ "Customer": { "PrimaryEmailAddr": { "Address": "" }, "SyncToken": "0", "domain": "QBO", "GivenName": "Bill", "DisplayName": "Bill's Windsurf Shop", "BillWithParent": false, "FullyQualifiedName": "Bill's Windsurf Shop", "CompanyName": "Bill's Windsurf Shop", "FamilyName": "Lucchini", "sparse": false, "PrimaryPhone": { "FreeFormNumber": "(415) 444-6538" }, "Active": true, "Job": false, "BalanceWithJobs": 85.0, "BillAddr": { "City": "Half Moon Bay", "Line1": "12 Ocean Dr.", "PostalCode": "94213", "Lat": "37.4307072", "Long": "-122.4295234", "CountrySubDivisionCode": "CA", "Id": "3" }, "PreferredDeliveryMethod": "Print", "Taxable": false, "PrintOnCheckName": "Bill's Windsurf Shop", "Balance": 85.0, "Id": "2", "MetaData": { "CreateTime": "2014-09-11T16:49:28-07:00", "LastUpdatedTime": "2014-09-18T12:56:01-07:00" } }, "time": "2015-07-23T11:04:15.496-07:00" }
The minimum elements to create a Customer are listed here.
{ "FullyQualifiedName": "Bhavdip Talaviya", "PrimaryEmailAddr": { "Address": "" }, "DisplayName": "Bhavdip Talaviya", "Suffix": "Jr", "Title": "Mr", "MiddleName": "B", "Notes": "Here are other details.", "FamilyName": "Talaviya", "PrimaryPhone": { "FreeFormNumber": "(555) 555-5555" }, "CompanyName": "vision", "BillAddr": { "CountrySubDivisionCode": "CA", "City": "Mountain View", "PostalCode": "94042", "Line1": "123 Main Street", "Country": "USA" }, "GivenName": "Bhavdip" }
Now I add the customer using the C# code.
Customer _customer = new Customer(); _customer.GivenName = "Bhavdip"; _customer.CompanyName = "Vision"; _customer.ContactName = "Bhavdip Talaviya"; _customer.FamilyName = "Talaviya"; TelephoneNumber _PrimaryPhone = new TelephoneNumber(); _PrimaryPhone.FreeFormNumber = "(555) 555-5555"; _customer.PrimaryPhone = _PrimaryPhone; TelephoneNumber _Mobile = new TelephoneNumber(); _Mobile.FreeFormNumber = "9898989898"; _customer.Mobile = _Mobile; TelephoneNumber _Fax = new TelephoneNumber(); _Fax.FreeFormNumber = "123456"; _customer.Fax = _Fax; EmailAddress _Email = new EmailAddress(); _Email.Address = ""; _customer.PrimaryEmailAddr = _Email; PhysicalAddress _BillAddr = new PhysicalAddress(); _BillAddr.CountrySubDivisionCode = "CA"; _BillAddr.PostalCode = "94042"; _BillAddr.Country = "USA"; _BillAddr.Line1 = "123 Main Street"; _BillAddr.City = "Mountain View"; _customer.BillAddr = _BillAddr; _customer.Active = true; Customer _customerAdded = dataService.Add(_customer);
you get the added customer response in the _customerAdded so you can see or update to your DB.
Select * From Customer
you can also make the query as you like below :
get customer by LastUpdatedTime: select * from Customer Where Metadata.LastUpdatedTime > ‘2015-03-01’
get customer by ID: Select * From Customer where Id = ‘1’
You need Realmid and AccessTocken for the get any data from the QuickBooks.
Now I get the all customer using the C# code.
var realmid="add here your realm id"; var AccessTocken="add here your AccessTocken"; QueryService<Customer> QueryService = new QueryService<Customer>(GetContext(realmid, AccessTocken)); List<Customer> _getcustomer = QueryService.ExecuteIdsQuery("Select * From Customer").ToList();
you get the customer response in the _getcustomer variable so you can store this data into your DB.
In update customer, you need Quickbooks inserted Id and also SyncToken which get when the customer added.
Now I update the customer using the C# code.
Customer _customer = new Customer(); _customer.CompanyName = "Vision"; TelephoneNumber _PrimaryPhone = new TelephoneNumber(); _PrimaryPhone.FreeFormNumber = "(666) 666-6666"; _customer.PrimaryPhone = _PrimaryPhone; EmailAddress _Email = new EmailAddress(); _Email.Address = ""; _customer.PrimaryEmailAddr = _Email; _customer.Id = "1"; _customer.SyncToken = "1"; Customer _customerUpdated = dataService.Update(_customer);
you get the updated customer response in the _customerUpdated so you can see or update to your DB.
you can not delete the customer in QuickBooks online, you can update this customer as In-active like below:
_customer.Active = false;
so In this blog, I explained add customer, update customer and also get customers.
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