
Detect Inactivity In Browser Using JavaScript

In this article, we will learn how to detect inactivity in the browser using JavaScript.

Here, we are going to use two different JavaScript libraries.


Include jQuery from a CDN.

    <script src=""></script>


Include below code to your project with the name idle.js.

var _api,_API_JQUERY=1,_API_PROTOTYPE=2,_idleTimeout=3e4,_awayTimeout=6e5,_idleNow=!1,_idleTimestamp=null,_idleTimer=null,_awayNow=!1,_awayTimestamp=null,_awayTimer=null;function setIdleTimeout(e){_idleTimeout=e,_idleTimestamp=(new Date).getTime()+e,null!=_idleTimer&&clearTimeout(_idleTimer),_idleTimer=setTimeout(_makeIdle,e+50)}function setAwayTimeout(e){_awayTimeout=e,_awayTimestamp=(new Date).getTime()+e,null!=_awayTimer&&clearTimeout(_awayTimer),_awayTimer=setTimeout(_makeAway,e+50)}function _makeIdle(){var e=(new Date).getTime();if(e<_idleTimestamp)_idleTimer=setTimeout(_makeIdle,_idleTimestamp-e+50);else{_idleNow=!0;try{document.onIdle&&document.onIdle()}catch(e){}}}function _makeAway(){var e=(new Date).getTime();if(e<_awayTimestamp)_awayTimer=setTimeout(_makeAway,_awayTimestamp-e+50);else{_awayNow=!0;try{document.onAway&&document.onAway()}catch(e){}}}function _initPrototype(){_api=_API_PROTOTYPE}function _active(e){var t=(new Date).getTime();_idleTimestamp=t+_idleTimeout,_awayTimestamp=t+_awayTimeout,_idleNow&&setIdleTimeout(_idleTimeout),_awayNow&&setAwayTimeout(_awayTimeout);try{(_idleNow||_awayNow)&&document.onBack&&document.onBack(_idleNow,_awayNow)}catch(e){}_idleNow=!1,_awayNow=!1}function _initJQuery(){_api=_API_JQUERY;var e=$(document);e.ready(function(){e.mousemove(_active);try{e.mouseenter(_active)}catch(e){}try{e.scroll(_active)}catch(e){}try{e.keydown(_active)}catch(e){}try{}catch(e){}try{e.dblclick(_active)}catch(e){}})}function _initPrototype(){_api=_API_PROTOTYPE;$(document);Event.observe(window,"load",function(e){Event.observe(window,"click",_active),Event.observe(window,"mousemove",_active),Event.observe(window,"mouseenter",_active),Event.observe(window,"scroll",_active),Event.observe(window,"keydown",_active),Event.observe(window,"click",_active),Event.observe(window,"dblclick",_active)})}try{Prototype&&_initPrototype()}catch(e){}try{jQuery&&_initJQuery()}catch(e){}

In the given example, we set default idle time for 10 seconds, which means if the user is inactive for the next 10 seconds then browser prompts that “User is Idle”.

Here, the user can change the idle time by input.

Open the index.html file and add the code in it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="idle.js"></script>
    <input type="number" id="txtIdleTime" placeholder="Enter Seconds" />
    <button id="btnSubmit">Change Idle Time</button>

        var ms = 1000; // 1000 = 1 Sec | 60000 = 1 Min
        var IdleTime;

        $(document).ready(function () {
            IdleTime = 10;
            setIdleTimeout(IdleTime * ms);

        $(document).on('click', '#btnSubmit', function () {            
            IdleTime = $("#txtIdleTime").val();
            setIdleTimeout(IdleTime * ms);

        document.onIdle = function () {
            alert("User is Idle");

That’s it.



Also, check How To Get Second Highest Salary Using Query In SQL

Yasin Panwala

Yasin Panwala is a Web Developer and Author at TheCodeHubs. He has experience in Web Developing and Designing and also in Writing. He has got his skills in working on technologies like .NET Core, ADO.NET, AJAX, Angular, AngularJS, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Bootstrap, C#, CSS, Entity Framework, Express.js, GraphQL, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, LINQ, Microsoft Office, MongoDB, MySQL, Node.js, PostgreSQL, SQL, SQL Server, TypeORM, TypeScript, Visual Basic .NET, Web API. He also got his skills in working with different integration and some known versioning tools. He is always ready to learn new things and he always tries his best on tasks that are assigned to him and gives the best possible outputs.

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