Here we learn about how to add a field to WooCommerce registration form
1. Create a child theme first and Custom code copied and paste into your child theme’s functions.php file.
2. Follow the below step.
3. Two action hooks allow us to add our field.
Here is an example of fields in the WooCommerce Edit Account page.
<?php add_action( 'woocommerce_register_form', 'woo_add_register_form_field' ); function woo_add_register_form_field(){ woocommerce_form_field( 'country_to_visit', array( 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, // just adds an "*" 'label' => 'Country you want to visit the most' ), ( isset( $_POST['country_to_visit'] ) ? $_POST['country_to_visit'] : '' ) ); } ?>
Validation of this field:
<?php add_action( 'woocommerce_register_post', 'woo_validate_fields', 10, 3 ); function woo_validate_fields( $username, $email, $errors ) { if ( empty( $_POST['country_to_visit'] ) ) { $errors->add( 'country_to_visit_error', 'We really want to know!' ); } } ?>
Now save the field data into the database.
<?php add_action( 'woocommerce_created_customer', 'woo_save_register_fields' ); function woo_save_register_fields( $customer_id ){ if ( isset( $_POST['country_to_visit'] ) ) { update_user_meta( $customer_id, 'country_to_visit', wc_clean( $_POST['country_to_visit'] ) ); } } ?>
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular