In Angular application by default built two environments files dev and prod. Based on the target environment, your application might have a different setup. You can configure multiple custom environments as per your need. Here, will see how to configure multiple environments like staging, beta, QA, etc…
So lets, start
Create a different environment file
We need to create several environment files as our need. Here I have created 2 files:
1. environment.stagging.ts
2. environment.beta.ts
Note: You can use the `` file copy-paste and rename(e.g.: environment.staging.ts) and set environment variables values as per your need.
Update angular.json file
"projectName": { ... "architect": { "build": { ... "configurations": { "production": { "fileReplacements": [ { "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts", "with": "src/environments/" } ] }, "stagging": { "fileReplacements": [ { "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts", "with": "src/environments/environment.stagging.ts" } ], ... }, "beta": { "fileReplacements": [ { "replace": "src/environments/environment.ts", "with": "src/environments/environment.beta.ts" } ], ... } } ... } ... } ... }
Replicate a similar approach on the same file but a bit lower for the “serve” configurations:
"configurations": { "production": { "browserTarget": "projectName:build:production" }, "stagging": { "browserTarget": "projectName:build:stagging" }, "beta": { "browserTarget": "projectName:build:beta" } }
and under the “e2e”:
"production": { "devServerTarget": "projectName:serve:production" }, "stagging": { "devServerTarget": "projectName:serve:stagging" }, "beta": { "devServerTarget": "projectName:serve:beta" }
To use different environments upon serving use the following commands:
ng serve
ng serve –configuration=stagging
ng serve –configuration=beta
ng serve –prod
To use different environments upon building use the following commands:
ng build
ng build –configuration=stagging
ng build –configuration=beta
ng build –prod
I hope this article helps you and you will like it.
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In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular