
How To Convert Amount To Words In Angular

Hello Friends, In this article, we will learn how to convert the amount into words in angular using a custom Pipe.

First, we need to create a pipe namely “amount-to-word” to convert the amount into words.

ng generate pipe amount-to-word

Now put the below code in the “amount-to-word” pipe

export class AmountToWordPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: any, args?: any): any {
    if (value) {
      value = parseFloat(value).toFixed(2);
      let amounth = value.toString().split(".");
      let price: any = amounth[0];
      let pointer: any = amounth.length > 0 ? amounth[1] : null;
      var singleDigit = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine"],
        doubleDigit = ["Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"],
        tensPlace = ["", "Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"],
        handle_tens = function (digit: any, prevdigit: any) {
          return 0 == digit ? "" : " " + (1 == digit ? doubleDigit[prevdigit] : tensPlace[digit])
        handle_utlc = function (digit: any, nextdigit: any, denom: any) {
          return (0 != digit && 1 != nextdigit ? " " + singleDigit[digit] : "") + (0 != nextdigit || digit > 0 ? " " + denom : "")

      var rupees = "",
        digitIndex = 0,
        digit = 0,
        nextDigit = 0,
        words = [],
        paisaWords = [],
        paisa = "";
      if (price += "", isNaN(parseFloat(price))) rupees = "";
      else if (parseFloat(price) > 0 && price.length <= 10) {
        for (digitIndex = price.length - 1; digitIndex >= 0; digitIndex--)
          switch (digit = price[digitIndex] - 0, nextDigit = digitIndex > 0 ? price[digitIndex - 1] - 0 : 0, price.length - digitIndex - 1) {
            case 0:
              words.push(handle_utlc(digit, nextDigit, ""));
            case 1:
              words.push(handle_tens(digit, price[digitIndex + 1]));
            case 2:
              words.push(0 != digit ? " " + singleDigit[digit] + " Hundred" + (0 != price[digitIndex + 1] && 0 != price[digitIndex + 2] ? " and" : "") : "");
            case 3:
              words.push(handle_utlc(digit, nextDigit, "Thousand"));
            case 4:
              words.push(handle_tens(digit, price[digitIndex + 1]));
            case 5:
              words.push(handle_utlc(digit, nextDigit, "Lakh"));
            case 6:
              words.push(handle_tens(digit, price[digitIndex + 1]));
            case 7:
              words.push(handle_utlc(digit, nextDigit, "Crore"));
            case 8:
              words.push(handle_tens(digit, price[digitIndex + 1]));
            case 9:
              words.push(0 != digit ? " " + singleDigit[digit] + " Hundred" + (0 != price[digitIndex + 1] || 0 != price[digitIndex + 2] ? " and" : " Crore") : "")
        rupees = words.reverse().join("")
      } else rupees = "";

      if (rupees)
        rupees = `${rupees} Rupees`

      if (pointer != "00") {
        digitIndex = 0;
        digit = 0;
        nextDigit = 0;

        for (digitIndex = pointer.length - 1; digitIndex >= 0; digitIndex--)
          switch (digit = pointer[digitIndex] - 0, nextDigit = digitIndex > 0 ? pointer[digitIndex - 1] - 0 : 0, pointer.length - digitIndex - 1) {
            case 0:
              paisaWords.push(handle_utlc(digit, nextDigit, ""));
            case 1:
              paisaWords.push(handle_tens(digit, pointer[digitIndex + 1]));
        paisa = paisaWords.reverse().join("");
        if (rupees)
          rupees = `${rupees} and ${paisa} Paisa`
          rupees = `${paisa} Paisa`
      return rupees

So by this pipe, we will be able to Convert Numbers into Words easily.

Now we are use pipe in our components like below

<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="amount">
<span>{{amount | amountToWord}}</span>

Now here we are converting amount into words

I hope this article helps you and you will like it. Thanks for reading.

Jignesh Patel

Jignesh Patel is a Senior Full Stack .Net Developer has extensive experience with designing and developing enterprise-scale applications. He has good skills in ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS, Angular, Nodejs, Web API, EPPlus, SQL, Entity Framework, JavaScript, Azure Web Jobs, Microsoft Graph API, etc.

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