In this tutorial, we will learn about downloading Amazon MWS report using the Report API using C#.
Amazon MWS supports the management of seller orders for items sold on Orders received can be downloaded and acknowledged using Amazon MWS scratchpad. A variety of order report formats and actions are supported to meet specific seller needs.
For example, order reports can be set up for the automatic generation following a schedule that’s optimized to match seller workflow.
Report API lets you request various reports that help you manage your sales on Amazon.
Flowchart of the process for submitting and receiving an on-request report to Amazon,
First, we need to install Amazon MWS c# client library
Once you download client library attach that project with your existing project and write the below code to call Report API.
Call to Request, download and convert the report into a C# class object.
We should create the report enumeration to use report type globally.
Function to send Request. It will call Get_Report_List_Filtered_By (Report type,MarketplaceID)
public List < Amazon_Open_Listings > RequestListingReport(Report_Type Report_Type, string "MarketPlaceId") { List < Amazon_Open_Listings > list = new List < Amazon_Open_Listings > (); try { var ReportId = Get_Report_List_Filtered_By(Report_Type, 1000, string "Seller ID"); if (ReportId != null && ReportId.Count > 0) { //Pass most recent report id and download report var ReportPath = Download_Report(ReportId[0].ReportId, "Seller ID", "File path where you want to download report"); //convert report to c# class object list.AddRange(Convert_Open_Listings_As_List(ReportPath)); } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } }
This function will accept Report type, Number of results of reports, and Seller ID. It returns Highest (latest) report id.
You can sort the results by report id as well as request id, it depends on the situation.
public List < ReportInfo > Get_Report_List_Filtered_By(Report_Type "Your report type", int _number_To_Return, string "Your Seller ID") { try { GetReportListRequest report_List_Request = new GetReportListRequest(); report_List_Request.Merchant = "Your Seller ID"; report_List_Request.MaxCount = _number_To_Return; // filter by report type also TypeList tl = new TypeList(); tl.Type.Add(Report_Type.ToString()); report_List_Request.ReportTypeList = tl; // Get the response GetReportListResponse report_List_Response = ReportClient.GetReportList(report_List_Request); GetReportListResult report_List_Result = report_List_Response.GetReportListResult; // Hold the report results List < ReportInfo > retReport = report_List_Result.ReportInfo; // Finally, sort the results to pop the highest report ID to the top // Do a default sort by the report ID (most recent first) retReport = retReport.OrderBy(x => x.ReportId).Reverse().ToList(); return retReport; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } }
public string Download_Report(string _report_ID, string "Seller ID", string BasePath ) { GetReportRequest get_Report = new GetReportRequest(); get_Report.Merchant = "Seller ID"; string path = _report_ID + "_" + Guid.NewGuid(); string thePath = BasePath + "\\" + String.Format("{0}.txt", path); get_Report.ReportId = _report_ID; get_Report.Report = File.Open(thePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); GetReportResponse report_Response = ReportClient.GetReport(get_Report); get_Report.Report.Close(); return thePath; }
It will return the contents of a report and the Content-MD5 header for the returned report body.
A unique identifier of the report to download, obtained from the GetReportList operation or the GeneratedReportId of a ReportRequest.
public List<Amazon_Open_Listings> Convert_Open_Listings_As_List(string reportPath) { // create the list to hold the open listing List<Amazon_Open_Listings> openList = new List<Amazon_Open_Listings>(); // Check to see if the file exists and parse it if it does if (File.Exists(reportPath)) { // Get a stream to the report StreamReader reportReader; reportReader = File.OpenText(reportPath); // read the file into the list line by line string line; while ((line = reportReader.ReadLine()) != null) { // Split each line by the tab sequence string[] columns = line.Split('\t'); // Populate the list with Amazon Open listings Amazon_Open_Listings listing = new Amazon_Open_Listings(); listing.SKU = columns[3].ToString(); listing.FulFilledBy = "MFN"; listing.Title = columns[0].ToString(); listing.opendate = columns[6].ToString(); listing.ASIN = columns[22].ToString(); listing.Price = columns[4].ToString(); listing.Qty = columns[5].ToString(); listing.Recorded = System.DateTime.Now; // Add the listing to the list openList.Add(listing); } reportReader.Close(); } if (openList != null && openList.Count > 0) return openList.Skip(1).ToList(); return openList; }
Here, we should skip the first line because it contains Headers.
public partial class Amazon_Open_Listings { public string SKU { get; set; } public string ASIN { get; set; } public string ProfileName { get; set; } public int ProfileID { get; set; } public string FulFilledBy { get; set; } public string opendate { get; set; } public string productId { get; set; } public string Price { get; set; } public string Qty { get; set; } public string Report_ID { get; set; } public System.DateTime Recorded { get; set; } public Nullable<decimal> Lowest_Price { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public Nullable<decimal> AmazonSalesRank { get; set; } public string FileUrl { get; set; } public string Carrier { get; set; } public string Service { get; set; } public string TrackingNumber { get; set; } public decimal ShippingFee { get; set; } public string OrderId { get; set; } }
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Thanks. Its Helpful
ReportClient does not exist in the current context erroe message comes. pls help
Public static MarketplaceWebServiceClient ReportClient;
public static MarketplaceWebServiceConfig _reportConfig;
_reportConfig = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig
ServiceURL = ""
ReportClient = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient("accessKeyID", "secretKey", "project name", "1.0", _reportConfig);