
How To Generate WordPress Theme Customizer Option

The theme customization API, allows developers to customize and add controls to the theme customizer.

To add customizer option, You need to use below hook,


Here, This hook allows you to Customizer panels, sections, settings, and controls.

add_action(  ‘customize_register’,  ‘footer_customizer_settings’  );
function footer_customizer_settings( $wp_customize ) { }

Adding a New Section:
Sections are group of section. You can see some section already exists like site identity, color, Menus, widget etc..
To add a new section to your Theme Customizer, you need to use the $wp_customize->add_section() method.

Here below code used to add a section in appearance->custiomizer

$wp_customize->add_section( 'footer_colors' , array(
        'title'      => 'Footer Background Colors',
        'priority'   => 30,
) );

Adding a New Control:
control is an HTML form element that allows us to manipulate settings and preview those changes in real-time. The control types like input field, textarea, color picker, upload image.
To add a new control to your Theme Customizer, you need to use the $wp_customize->add_control() method.

Here below code used to add a control in appearance->custiomizer,

$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wp_customize, 'footer_color', array(
   'label'    => 'Footer Background Color',
   'section'  => 'footer_colors',
   'settings' => 'footer_background_color',
) ) );

Adding a New Setting:
Settings represent the data that we want to display setting as a default.
To add a new settings to your Theme Customizer, you need to use the $wp_customize->add_setting() method.

Here below code used to add a control in appearance->custiomizer,

$wp_customize->add_setting( 'footer_background_color' , array(
         'default'     => '#43C6E4',
         'transport'   => 'refresh',
) );

Put below code to add in functions.php to add footer color theme option.

add_action( 'customize_register', 'footer_customizer_settings' ); 
function footer_customizer_settings( $wp_customize ) { 
 $wp_customize->add_section( 'footer_colors' , array( 
  'title' => 'Colors', 
  'priority' => 30, 
 ) );
 $wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wp_customize, 'background_color', array( 
  'label' => 'Footer Background Color', 
  'section' => 'footer_colors', 
  'settings' => 'background_color', 
 ) ) ); 

 $wp_customize->add_setting( 'background_color' , array( 
  'default' => '#43C6E4', 
  'transport' => 'refresh', 
 ) ); 

Generating The CSS:
If you want to use theme customizer value in CSS, follow below example,

add_action( 'wp_head', 'footer_customizer_css');
function footer_customizer_css()
         <style type="text/css">
             #footer { background: #<?php echo get_theme_mod( 'background_color', '#43C6E4' ); ?>; }

Here Output looks like as,



Jigna Mavani

I am a Senior WordPress developer at vision Infotech. I'm specialized in WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, HTML, and jQuery.

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