In this article, we will learn how to use mdboostrap data table in reactjs.
-In react we need to install npm mdbreact.
-first, open the react project and then import the below package.
npm i mdbreact
-then import this package and CSS in your app.js file.
import { MDBDataTable } from 'mdbreact'; import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css'; import 'bootstrap-css-only/css/bootstrap.min.css'; import 'mdbreact/dist/css/mdb.css';
-write the below code for rows and columns data.
const data = { columns: [ { label: 'First Name', field: 'firstname', sort: 'asc', width: 150 }, { label: 'Last Name', field: 'lastname', sort: 'asc', width: 270 }, { label: 'Mobile No', field: 'mobileno', width: 200 }, { label: 'Age', field: 'age', sort: 'asc', width: 100 }, { label: 'BirthDate', field: 'birthdate', sort: 'asc', width: 150 }, { label: 'Gender', field: 'gender', sort: 'asc', width: 100 } ], rows: [ { firstname: 'siya', lastname: 'patel', mobileno: '98765445678', age: '21', birthdate: '2001/04/25', gender: 'female' }, { firstname: 'riya', lastname: 'shah', mobileno: '8978675645', age: '21', birthdate: '2001/01/05', gender: 'female' }, { firstname: 'mehul', lastname: 'verma', mobileno: '87687685478', age: '22', birthdate: '2000/02/15', gender: 'male' }, { firstname: 'Sonya', lastname: 'Frost', mobileno: '84563434543', age: '20', birthdate: '2002/09/23', gender: 'female' }, { firstname: 'Thor', lastname: 'Walton', mobileno: '6585685654', age: '23', birthdate: '1999/02/11', gender: 'male' }, { firstname: 'kishan', lastname: 'Burks', mobileno: '768678765', age: '23', birthdate: '1999/09/10', gender: 'male' }, { firstname: 'Thor', lastname: 'Walton', mobileno: '6585685654', age: '23', birthdate: '1999/02/11', gender: 'male' }, { firstname: 'kishan', lastname: 'Burks', mobileno: '768678765', age: '23', birthdate: '1999/09/10', gender: 'male' }, { firstname: 'Thor', lastname: 'Walton', mobileno: '6585685654', age: '23', birthdate: '1999/02/11', gender: 'male' }, { firstname: 'kishan', lastname: 'Burks', mobileno: '768678765', age: '23', birthdate: '1999/09/10', gender: 'male' }, { firstname: 'siya', lastname: 'patel', mobileno: '98765445678', age: '21', birthdate: '2001/04/25', gender: 'female' }, { firstname: 'riya', lastname: 'shah', mobileno: '8978675645', age: '21', birthdate: '2001/01/05', gender: 'female' }, ] };
-after that add the MDBdatatable
<MDBDataTable striped bordered small hover data={data} />
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular
In this article, we have to show Create and Used PIPE in angular