Create Drop-Down Using Custom Directives

How to Create Drop-Down Using Custom Directives in Angular Hello Readers, Today’s topic is how can we create our custom drop-down in angular using custom directives. First, we need to Create “custom-drop-down-directives.ts” as per the below code. import { Directive,HostBinding,HostListener} from ‘@angular/core’; @Directive({ selector: ‘[myDropDown]’, exportAs:’myDropDown’ }) export class DropDownDirective { @HostBinding(‘’) isOpen = false;…

Change Detector In Angular

Introduction: Hello Reader, here we will understand what is Change Detection, and What is property of change detection and how can we implement it in our project. here we will see all that basic things and properties. The first question that will arise in our mind What is Change Detector and why we need this? let’s…

Host Listener In Angular

What is @HostListner in Angular: @HostListener() Decorator in Angular allows us to handle events of the host element in the directive class. There is Multiple Event we can Listen and manipulate Don Using @HostListener Here we will see some of the Examples. To use @Hostlistener in a respective component first we need to import in…

How to Implement Range Slider in Angular

Implement Range Slider In Angular Here we will see how can we Implement a Range slider in the Angular Application and manipulate its value using typescript. Let’s start from the basics. Firstly we will create an Angular Application with the below Command. ng new angular-range-slider now we have to add Boostrap Dependencies in our Project…

CRUD Operation In Angular Using Interface

Angular is an MVC-based framework Managed & Developed by Google. Angular application is a design framework and its development platform is for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps. Angular is open-source so everyone can use it. So, here we are going to see CRUD Operation in Angular 11 using the interface. Step 1: Create a…

Check Microphone Is Connected Or Not In Angular

Here, we will develop the angular application for checking microphone is connected or not with the device. Step 1: Create a new Application ng new check-microphone Step 2: Install node_modules yarn install Step 3: Install below module yarn add angular-audio-context Step 4: Import it in the app.module.ts import { AudioContextModule } from ‘angular-audio-context’; imports: […

Content Menu In Dev Express Data Grid In Angular

In this blog, we will learn how to create a context menu in Dev express data grid in angular applications. DevExtreme is a UI component Datagrid that represents data from a remote/local source in the form of a grid. DevExtreme UI component offers such basic features as sorting, filtering, grouping, pagination, searching. Step 1: Create…


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