Flutter Localization

Since app localization is extremely common with mobile app development i assumed to write down my favorite flutter plugins. App is actually fast and straightforward with easy_localization plugin. Specially with the newest update. i’ll guide you to make a straightforward app page with change language functionality.

Flutter Architecture

Flutter could be a cross-platform UI toolkit that’s designed to permit code reuse across operating systems like iOS and Android, while also allowing applications to interface directly with underlying platform services.

Work with BLoC in Flutter

This blog contains “how to architect your Flutter projects” using the BLoC pattern flutter. So that you can maintain, scale, and test your Flutter projects easily, and to do that we need state Management approaches.

RazorPay Payment Gateway in Flutter

Razor Pay is one of the best payment gateways which is used by many companies. It provides many payment options such as Card, Netbanking, External Wallets, UPI, etc. First of all, we need to create an account on Razorpay (https://razorpay.com/). We require an API key for making payment checkout call in our flutter application and…

Flutter Material Chips Example

Material Chips are one of the components which are used to make the choice filters, actions, and display the selectable options. In this article, it’s been discussed how to implement the very basic selectable material chips for the filtering of the options     main.dart import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget…

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