How to set custom control in the kendo grid filter row?

Forums C#How to set custom control in the kendo grid filter row?
Staff asked 4 years ago

I have a date column in my grid and I want to set a custom date range filter for that column.

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Chand Dakhara Marked As Accepted
Staff answered 2 years ago

Hello, @Raj Dev

You can call a custom function for the template property of the filterable cell. Just like the below.

filterable: {
  cell: { template: customFilter },
  showOperators: false

function customFilter(args) {
    var filterCell = args.element.parents(".k-filtercell");
    filterCell.html('<input type="text" name="datefilter" class="k-textbox k-FullWidth" value="" autocomplete="off" readonly/>');

        autoUpdateInput: false,
        showDropdowns: true,
        locale: {
            cancelLabel: 'Clear'



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