Here, we will learn about who to create a datatable using the bootstrap-vue. It provide us the default datatable with all the features.
Step 1: Install the following packages in vue.js
npm install bootstrap-vue
Step 2: Open main.js and add the following in it:
import Vue from "vue"; import BootstrapVue from "bootstrap-vue"; Vue.use(BootstrapVue);
Step 3: Open DataTable.vue and add the following in it:
<template> <b-container fluid> <b-row> <b-col lg="6" class="my-1"> <b-form-group label="Sort" label-for="sort-by-select" label-cols-sm="3" label-align-sm="right" label-size="sm" class="mb-0" v-slot="{ ariaDescribedby }" > <b-input-group size="sm"> <b-form-select id="sort-by-select" v-model="sortBy" :options="sortOptions" :aria-describedby="ariaDescribedby" class="w-75" > <template #first> <option value="">-- none --</option> </template> </b-form-select> <b-form-select v-model="sortDesc" :disabled="!sortBy" :aria-describedby="ariaDescribedby" size="sm" class="w-25" > <option :value="false">Asc</option> <option :value="true">Desc</option> </b-form-select> </b-input-group> </b-form-group> </b-col> <b-col lg="6" class="my-1"> <b-form-group label="Initial sort" label-for="initial-sort-select" label-cols-sm="3" label-align-sm="right" label-size="sm" class="mb-0" > <b-form-select id="initial-sort-select" v-model="sortDirection" :options="['asc', 'desc', 'last']" size="sm" ></b-form-select> </b-form-group> </b-col> <b-col lg="6" class="my-1"> <b-form-group label="Filter" label-for="filter-input" label-cols-sm="3" label-align-sm="right" label-size="sm" class="mb-0" > <b-input-group size="sm"> <b-form-input id="filter-input" v-model="filter" type="search" placeholder="Type to Search" ></b-form-input> <b-input-group-append> <b-button :disabled="!filter" @click="filter = ''">Clear</b-button> </b-input-group-append> </b-input-group> </b-form-group> </b-col> <b-col lg="6" class="my-1"> <b-form-group v-model="sortDirection" label="Filter On" description="Leave all unchecked to filter on all data" label-cols-sm="3" label-align-sm="right" label-size="sm" class="mb-0" v-slot="{ ariaDescribedby }" > <b-form-checkbox-group v-model="filterOn" :aria-describedby="ariaDescribedby" class="mt-1" > <b-form-checkbox value="name">Name</b-form-checkbox> <b-form-checkbox value="age">Age</b-form-checkbox> <b-form-checkbox value="isActive">Active</b-form-checkbox> </b-form-checkbox-group> </b-form-group> </b-col> <b-col sm="5" md="6" class="my-1"> <b-form-group label="Per page" label-for="per-page-select" label-cols-sm="6" label-cols-md="4" label-cols-lg="3" label-align-sm="right" label-size="sm" class="mb-0" > <b-form-select id="per-page-select" v-model="perPage" :options="pageOptions" size="sm" ></b-form-select> </b-form-group> </b-col> <b-col sm="7" md="6" class="my-1"> <b-pagination v-model="currentPage" :total-rows="totalRows" :per-page="perPage" align="fill" size="sm" class="my-0" ></b-pagination> </b-col> </b-row> <!-- Main table element --> <b-table :items="items" :fields="fields" :current-page="currentPage" :per-page="perPage" :filter="filter" :filter-included-fields="filterOn" :sort-by.sync="sortBy" :sort-desc.sync="sortDesc" :sort-direction="sortDirection" stacked="md" show-empty small @filtered="onFiltered" > <template #cell(name)="row"> {{ row.value.first }} {{ row.value.last }} </template> <template #cell(actions)="row"> <b-button size="sm" @click="info(row.item, row.index, $" class="mr-1"> Info modal </b-button> <b-button size="sm" @click="row.toggleDetails"> {{ row.detailsShowing ? 'Hide' : 'Show' }} Details </b-button> </template> <template #row-details="row"> <b-card> <ul> <li v-for="(value, key) in row.item" :key="key">{{ key }}: {{ value }}</li> </ul> </b-card> </template> </b-table> <!-- Info modal --> <b-modal :id="" :title="infoModal.title" ok-only @hide="resetInfoModal"> <pre>{{ infoModal.content }}</pre> </b-modal> </b-container> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { items: [ { isActive: true, age: 40, name: { first: 'Dickerson', last: 'Macdonald' } }, { isActive: false, age: 21, name: { first: 'Larsen', last: 'Shaw' } }, { isActive: false, age: 9, name: { first: 'Mini', last: 'Navarro' }, _rowVariant: 'success' }, { isActive: false, age: 89, name: { first: 'Geneva', last: 'Wilson' } }, { isActive: true, age: 38, name: { first: 'Jami', last: 'Carney' } }, { isActive: false, age: 27, name: { first: 'Essie', last: 'Dunlap' } }, { isActive: true, age: 40, name: { first: 'Thor', last: 'Macdonald' } }, { isActive: true, age: 87, name: { first: 'Larsen', last: 'Shaw' }, _cellVariants: { age: 'danger', isActive: 'warning' } }, { isActive: false, age: 26, name: { first: 'Mitzi', last: 'Navarro' } }, { isActive: false, age: 22, name: { first: 'Genevieve', last: 'Wilson' } }, { isActive: true, age: 38, name: { first: 'John', last: 'Carney' } }, { isActive: false, age: 29, name: { first: 'Dick', last: 'Dunlap' } } ], fields: [ { key: 'name', label: 'Person full name', sortable: true, sortDirection: 'desc' }, { key: 'age', label: 'Person age', sortable: true, class: 'text-center' }, { key: 'isActive', label: 'Is Active', formatter: (value) => { return value ? 'Yes' : 'No' }, sortable: true, sortByFormatted: true, filterByFormatted: true }, { key: 'actions', label: 'Actions' } ], totalRows: 1, currentPage: 1, perPage: 5, pageOptions: [5, 10, 15, { value: 100, text: "Show a lot" }], sortBy: '', sortDesc: false, sortDirection: 'asc', filter: null, filterOn: [], infoModal: { id: 'info-modal', title: '', content: '' } } }, computed: { sortOptions() { return this.fields .filter(f => f.sortable) .map(f => { return { text: f.label, value: f.key } }) } }, mounted() { this.totalRows = this.items.length }, methods: { info(item, index, button) { this.infoModal.title = `Row index: ${index}` this.infoModal.content = JSON.stringify(item, null, 2) this.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal',, button) }, resetInfoModal() { this.infoModal.title = '' this.infoModal.content = '' }, onFiltered(filteredItems) { this.totalRows = filteredItems.length this.currentPage = 1 } } } </script>
Code in action: