What are Pipes in Angular?
- Pipes are transform string, currency amounts, dates, and other data for display.
- It is accept the input value and returns a transformed value.
- Pipes are useful throughout your application.
- To apply a pipe, use the pipe operator(|) within your template expression.
Angular Built-In pipes.
- Lowercase pipe
- Uppercase pipe
- Titlecase pipe
- Json pipe
- Percent pipe
- Decimal pipe
- Currency pipe
- Date pipe
- Slice pipe
1. Lowercase pipe:
- Transform Text to all Lowercase.
{{ value-expression | lowercase }}
Write the following code in app.component.ts
title = 'TheCodeHubs';
Write the following code in app.component.html
<div>{{title | lowercase}}</div> //output: thecodehubs
2. Uppercase pipe:
- Transform Text to all UpperCase.
{{ value-expression | uppercase }}
Write the following code in app.component.ts
title = 'TheCodeHubs';
Write the following code in app.component.html
<div>{{title | uppercase}}</div> //output: THECODEHUBS
3. Titlecase pipe:
- Transform Text to all TitleCase.
- Capitalizes the first letter of each word and transforms the rest of the word in lowercase.
- Words are delimited by any space, tab, Whitespace, and line-feed character. [Commas, Pipes, hyphens, etc are not considered as delimited].
{{ value-expression | titlecase }}
Write the following code in app.component.html
<div>{{'angular titlecase' | titlecase}}</div> //output: Angular Titlecase <div>{{'anGuLar tITLEcASE' | titlecase}}</div> //output: Angular Titlecase <div>{{'angular,titlecase' | titlecase}}</div> //output: Angular,titlecase <div>{{'angular|titlecase' | titlecase}}</div> //output: Angular|titlecase <div>{{'angular-titlecase' | titlecase}}</div> //output: Angular-titlecase
4. Json pipe
- Angular Jsonpipe is a part of “@angular/common”.
- If it is not imported that’s thought This type of error.[no pipe found with JSON error]
- Usually, we will get data from the server in JSON format & it is bind into HTML.[ This JSON type exact data in browser network tab in developer tools] it is helpful while debugging data issues in JSON.
- Jsonpipe is an angular pipe.
- Angular Jsonpipe converts value or object into JSON formatted string.
- it uses JSON.stringify to convert into a JSON string.
- JSON is a subset of javascript.
- Jsonpipe uses JSON keywords to convert the value into a JSON string.
{{ value-expression | json }}
Write the following code in app.component.ts
export class AppComponent { customer!:customer; constructor() { this.customer = {Id:1,Name:'abc'} } } export class customer { Id!: number; Name!: string; }
Write the following code in app.component.html [Object without Jsonpipe]
{{customer}} //output: [object Object]
Write the following code in app.component.html [Object with Jsonpipe]
{{customer | json}} //output:{"Id":1,"Name":"abc"}
Write the following code in app.component.ts [Using Jsonpipe with an array of Object]
export class AppComponent { customer!:customer; ArrayObj!: customer[]; constructor() { this.customer = {Id:1,Name:'abc'} this.ArrayObj = [ { Id:1, Name:'xyz' }, { Id:2, Name:'pqr' } ]; } } export class customer { Id!: number; Name!: string; }
Write the following code in app.component.html
{{customer | json}} {{ArrayObj | json}} //output:{"Id":1,"Name":"abc"}[{"Id":1,"Name":"xyz"},{"Id":2,"Name":"pqr"}]
5. percentage pipe
- Transforms a number to a percentage string.
- formatted according to local rules that determine group sizing, separator, decimal-point character.
{{ value-expression | percent [ : digitsInfo [ : locales ] ] }}
Write the following code in app.component.ts
export class AppComponent { num1: number = 2.5; num2: number = 0.5; constructor(){} }
Write the following code in app.component.html
<div>{{num1 | percent}}</div><br> //output: 250% <div>{{num1 | percent:'2.2-5'}}</div><br> //output: 250.00% <div>{{num2 | percent:'1.2-5'}}</div><br> //output: 50.00% <div>{{num1 * num2 | percent:'1.2-3'}}</div><br> //output: 125.00%
6. Decimal pipe
- Decimalpipe is used to formate numbers as decimal numbers according to local rules.
- It used the number keyword with pipe operator.
{{ value-expression | number [ : digitsInfo [ : locales ] ] }}
Write the following code in app.component.ts
export class AppComponent { num3: number = 12.638467846; num4: number = 0.5; constructor(){ } }
Write the following code in app.component.html
<div>{{num3 | number}}</div><br> //output: 12.638 <div>{{num3 | number:'3.2-5'}}</div><br> //output: 012.63847 <div>{{num4 | number:'3.2-5'}}</div><br> //output: 000.50 <div>{{num3 * num4 | number:'1.3-6'}}</div><br> //output: 6.319234
7. Currency pipe
- Currencypipe uses currency keyword with pipe operator to formate a number into currency formate.
{{ value_expression | currency [ : currencyCode [ : display [ : digitsInfo [ : locale ] ] ] ] }}
export class AppComponent { currency1: number = 0.25; currency2: number = 10.263782; constructor(){} }
Write the following code in app.component.html
<div>{{currency1 | currency:'INR':false}}</div><br> //output: INR0.25 <div>{{currency2 | currency:'INR':false:'1.2-4'}}</div><br> //output: INR10.2638 <div>{{currency1 | currency}}</div><br> //output: $0.25 <div>{{currency2 | currency:'USD':true:'2.2-4'}}</div> //output: $10.2638
8. Date pipe
- Formate date according to that local rules.
{{ value_expression | date [ : format [ : timezone [ : locale ] ] ] }}
Write the following code in app.component.ts
newDate: number = Date.now();
Write the following code in app.component.html
<div>{{newDate | date}}</div><br> //output: Nov 13, 2021 <div>{{newDate | date:'medium'}}</div><br> //output: Nov 13, 2021, 4:31:58 PM <div>{{newDate | date:'shortTime'}}</div><br> //output: 4:34 PM <div>{{newDate | date:'mm:ss'}}</div><br> //output: 34:16 <div>{{newDate | date:'fullDate'}}</div><br> //output: Saturday, November 13, 2021 <div>{{newDate | date:'h:mm a z'}}</div><br> //output: 4:42 PM GMT+5 <div>{{newDate | date:'short'}}</div><br> //output: 11/13/21, 4:42 PM <div>{{newDate | date:'long'}}</div><br> //output: November 13, 2021 at 4:42:07 PM GMT+5 <div>{{newDate | date:'full'}}</div><br> //output: Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 4:42:07 PM GMT+05:30 <div>{{newDate | date:'shortDate'}}</div><br> //output: 11/13/21 <div>{{newDate | date:'mediumDate'}}</div><br> //output: Nov 13, 2021 <div>{{newDate | date:'longDate'}}</div><br> //output: November 13, 2021 <div>{{newDate | date:'mediumTime'}}</div><br> //output: 4:42:07 PM <div>{{newDate | date:'longTime'}}</div><br> //output: 4:42:07 PM GMT+5 <div>{{newDate | date:'fullTime'}}</div><br> //output: 4:42:07 PM GMT+05:30
9. slice pipe
- Create a new Array or string containing subset[slice] if element.
{{ value_expression | slice : start [ : end ] }}
str: string = 'TheCodehubs';
<div>{{str | slice:0:4}}</div><br> //output: TheC <div>{{str | slice:4:0}}</div><br> //output: <div>{{str | slice:-4}}</div><br> //output: hubs <div>{{str | slice:-4:-2}}</div><br> //output: hu <div>{{str | slice:-100}}</div><br> //output: TheCodehubs <div>{{str | slice:100}}</div><br> //output: