How To Install And Setup Vue.js

In this article, we will learn about installing all package of Vue.js and setup new Vue.js application.

Roadmap for setting up Vue.js

  • Install the latest version of Node.js
  • Installing @vue/cli
  • Creating new Vue project
  • Taking a look at Vue user interface.
  • Folder structure for Vue.js project

Install the latest version of Node.js

  • You can install latest version from
  • After successfully installation of Node.js open Command Prompt and check your Node.js latest version.
  • In Command Prompt write the following command for checking the latest version of Node.js
  • Command : $node -v.

Installing @vue/cli

  • In order to use the @vue/cli, you’ll need to have Node.js version 8 or above installed (8.10.0+ is recommended).
  • write the following command for installing Vue.js user interface/application
  • Command : $npm install -g @vue/cli

  • Write the command for getting latest version of @vue/cli – Command : $npm -v
  • Once it is installed, you’ll have access to the vue binary in your command line. We’ll use this to create our project.

Creating new Vue project

  • There are two way for creating Vue project. With the newer Vue UI, or directly from the command line, which we’ll do now with:
  • In CMD write the command for creating Vue project
  • Command Syntax : vue create projectname 

  • Remember project name should in lowercase letter.
  • By pressing enter below dialogue will prompt in CMD.

  • Select Default option from other option and By pressing the enter you will get below message in CMD

  • After Type npm run serve in CMD and you will get following output in CMD

  • Open your browser and write your Local URL
  • Finally You can see the Vue user interface 

Taking a look at Vue user interface.

  • Write the following command for open your project in visual studio code
  • Command: code <space> dot

Folder structure for Vue.js project

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