Introduction to Nuxt.js

What is Nuxt.js?

  • Its fundamental extension is UI delivering while at the same time abstracting away the customer/server dissemination.
  • We will probably make a structure adaptable enough that you can utilize it as a fundamental venture base or notwithstanding your present undertaking dependent on Node.js.
  • Nuxt.js presets all the setup expected to make your advancement of a server-delivered Vue.js Application more charming.
  • Moreover, we likewise give another sending choice called: nuxt create. It will assemble a statically produced Vue.js Application. We accept that choice could be the following large advance in the improvement of Web Applications with microservices.
  • Besides, you can likewise utilize Nuxt.js to make single page applications (spa mode) rapidly, valuable to keep Nuxt highlights while chipping away at backoffice applications.
  • As a system, Nuxt.js accompanies a great deal of elements to help you in your advancement between the customer side and the server side like Asynchronous Data, Middleware, Layouts, and so on.

How it works:

Nuxt.js incorporates the accompanying to make a rich web application improvement:

  • Vue 2
  • Vue Router
  • Vuex (included just when utilizing the store choice)
  • Vue Server Renderer (prohibited when utilizing mode: ‘spa’)
  • vue-meta

A sum of just 57kB min+gzip (60kB with Vuex).

In the engine we use webpack with vue-loader and babel-loader to package, code-part and minify your code.

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