Here we will learn how to mute/unmute the participant audio in twilio using vue.js.
Mute/Unmute Participant Audio in Twilio using Vue.js:
Step 1: Install the following packages:
npm i phosphor-vue npm i vue-js-toggle-button
Step 2: Open Video.js file and add the following in it:
<template> <span class="icon" v-if="roomConnected"> <ph-microphone :size="30" v-if="isAudioMuted" style="margin-right: 5px" /> <ph-microphone-slash :size="30" color="red" v-else style="margin-right: 5px" /> <toggle-button id="audioToggle" @change="onMuteUnmuteClick(TrackType.Audio)" v-model="isAudioMuted" :labels="true" /></span> </template> <script> import { PhMicrophone, PhMicrophoneSlash } from "phosphor-vue"; import { ToggleButton } from "vue-js-toggle-button"; export default { components: { PhMicrophone, PhMicrophoneSlash, ToggleButton, }, data() { return { roomConnected: false, isAudioMuted: true, TrackType: { Audio: "Audio", Video: "Video", }, }; }, methods: { attachTrack(track, participant) { const $media = window.$( `div#${participant.sid} > ${track.kind}`, window.$participants ); $media.css("opacity", ""); track.attach($media.get(0)); if (track.kind === "video" && participant === window.activeParticipant) { track.attach(window.$activeVideo.get(0)); window.$activeVideo.css("opacity", ""); } }, detachTrack(track, participant) { const $media = window.$( `div#${participant.sid} > ${track.kind}`, window.$participants ); const mediaEl = $media.get(0); $media.css("opacity", "0"); track.detach(mediaEl); mediaEl.srcObject = null; if (track.kind === "video" && participant === window.activeParticipant) { const activeVideoEl = window.$activeVideo.get(0); track.detach(activeVideoEl); activeVideoEl.srcObject = null; window.$activeVideo.css("opacity", "0"); } }, trackPublished(publication, participant) { if (publication.track) { this.attachTrack(publication.track, participant); } publication.on("subscribed", (track) => { this.attachTrack(track, participant); }); publication.on("unsubscribed", (track) => { this.detachTrack(track, participant); }); }, mute(muteUnmuteOptions) { if (! || ! { throw new Error("You must be connected to a room to mute tracks."); } if ( { => { publication.track.disable(); this.trackPublished(publication,; }); } if ( { => { publication.track.disable(); this.trackPublished(publication,; }); } }, unmute(muteUnmuteOptions) { if (! || ! { throw new Error("You must be connected to a room to unmute tracks."); } if ( { => { publication.track.enable(); this.trackPublished(publication,; }); } }, onMuteUnmuteClick(trackType) { if (trackType === this.TrackType.Audio) { const options = { audio: true, video: false }; if (this.isAudioMuted) { this.unmute(options); } else { this.mute(options); } } }, }, }; </script>
Code In Action: