Most Common Kendo Grid Issues In ASP.NET C#

Here, we will learn about the most common issues faced in Kendo Grid and how to solve it in ASP.NET MVC. You can also check my previous article on Kendo Grid Server side Pagination with sorting and filtering using ASP.NET MVC5 from here. 1. All Data Contain in Singel Line If Column Data is too…

How To Use Babel JS In ASP.NET MVC 5

Today, we will learn about using Babel.js in ASP.NET MVC 5. With Babel.js we can use latest JavaScript concepts which can be easily used in old browsers also. Babel.js is a JavaScript transpiler which converts the new JavaScript syntaxes into the one which can be used by old browsers also. So, the new JavaScript syntax can be used on both, new and old browsers.


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