How To Upload , Download And Delete Files From Amazon AWS S3 Cloud Storage Using ASP.NET CORE 3.1
we will learnhow to upload, download, and delete files from amazon AWS S3 Cloud Storage using ASP.NET CORE in simple steps.
we will learnhow to upload, download, and delete files from amazon AWS S3 Cloud Storage using ASP.NET CORE in simple steps.
Amazon S3 has a simple web services interface that you can use to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. For any further information, you can check this document.
it’s mostly used for run .NET website for the local purpose from IIS with SSL certificate.
mazon S3 stands for Amazon Simple Storage Service. It helps the developer community make computing scalable and more simple. Amazon S3 provides a platform where developers can store and download the data from anywhere and at any time on the web. Amazon S3 is a very fast and reliable storage infrastructure.