How To Install/Add Reactstrap In React App
Nishant Kakadiya

Hello Friends, Today we are going to learn how to install/add reactstrap in react app. First of all, execute the below command in the root directory of your project terminal to install reactstrap in your application. npm install –save reactstrap react react-dom After this, you must have to install bootstrap, for that need to execute…

How To Deploy ReactJS Application On IIS Server
Nishant Kakadiya

Hello Guys, Today we are going to learn that, How to Publish/Deploy React App on IIS Server. First of all, run the below command in your project terminal. npm run-script build After that, go to your root directory of the project and find the build labeled folder. This is your published files folder for the…

How Rename Project And Solution Name In ASP.NET MVC
Nishant Kakadiya

Hello Guys, In this article will learn how to change ASP.NET MVC solution and all the projects name in visual studio, let’s do it step by step. First of all, rename your solution and projects name. Project Name Full solution name Then go to the project’s properties. Change Assembly name and Default namespace name with…


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