Settings Page With Multiple Tab
We can create a custom settings page with multiple tabs. In which we can create multiple settings fields and forms.
We can create a custom settings page with multiple tabs. In which we can create multiple settings fields and forms.
In this article, We learn how to make the Elementor inner section sticky and make stay the inner section on the column.
WooCommerce provides an online store for customers to purchase any items or course on your website requirement.
In this article, We will learn how to create a custom WordPress plugin.
In this article, we will be going to learn how to add an extra tab to the Buddyboss profile.
In this article, we will learn how to add custom fields on the buddy boss edit profile page.
we will see how we can register users with profiles and background cover images by custom form.
In this article, we are going to see how to make a custom post-type slider using Owl Carousel jQuery in WordPress.
In this ARTICLE, We learn how to fix the rounding issue in WooCommerce because of the included tax.
In this article, We learn about how to add placeholder color in the select field.