Abstract Class Vs Interface In C#

In this article, we are going to learn about what is the basic difference between Interface and Abstract Class in C#.

Difference between Abstract Class and Interface


Abstract Class


 Keyword Abstract keyword is used. Interface keyword is used.
Constructor Abstract class contains a constructor. The interface doesn’t contain a constructor.
Provides Abstraction doesn’t provide full abstraction. The interface provides full abstraction.
 Can have fields? An abstract class can have fields. Interface can’t have fields.
Multiple inheritances Multiple inheritances are not achieved by an abstract class. Multiple inheritances are achieved by an interface.
 Can Inherit? It can be inherited from another abstract class or interface.

Only inherit from another interface, Can’t be inherited by another abstract class.

Access modifiers Contain different types of access modifiers like public, private, protected, etc. Contains only public access modifiers.
Performance  The performance of abstract class is faster. The performance of the interface is slow because it acquires time to search the actual method.

Let us understand with some examples.

Example 1

Create Interface and Abstract Class.

public interface IStudent

//abstract class
public abstract class Student


Example 2

Try to create a constructor in the Abstract class and Interface.

//abstract constructor
public abstract class Student
  public Student()
    Console.WriteLine("Hello i am abstract constructor");
//interface constructor
public interface IStudent
  //It gives error
  public IStudent()
    Console.WriteLine("Hello i am interface constructor");

Example 3

Abstract class and Interface can have fields?

public abstract class Student
  int i=10;
public interface IStudent
  int i=10;//it gives compile error "Interfaces cannot contain fields"

Example 4

Multiple inheritances are possible in Abstract class and Interface?

public interface IStudent1
public interface IStudent2
public class StudentClass:IStudent1,IStudent2

public abstract class Student1
public abstract class Student2
public class StudentClass:Student1,Student2//it give error

Example 5

Does implementation is possible in the Abstract class and Interface?

public abstract class Student  
    public void Print1()  
public interface IStudent 
    //gives error
    void Print2()

That’s it.

Also, check Constructors And Its Type In C#

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