How To Create Scheduler For Stop Windows Update Services

In this article we are learn how to disable windows update service.

For disable windows update service we are using task scheduler.

First you need to create bat file.

  1. create simple text file in notepad.
  2. add following text in your file.
@echo off
title Windows Update Stop By Nishant Kakadiya!&cls&echo
sc config wuauserv start= disabled
net stop wuauserv

sc config bits start= disabled
net stop bits

sc config dosvc start= disabled
net stop dosvc

and save it to any safe location to call from scheduler.

also need to save with .bat file type like following screenshot.

than open task scheduler and follow the steps.

Step 1 : First create the task

Step 2 : Write Scheduler name and check run with highest privileges checkbox for run as administrator.

Step 3 : set you task trigger time from trigger tab.

Step 4 : Now add your bat file to action tab like below screenshot.

Step 5 : Now go to setting tab and uncheck stop the task if it runs longer than for prevent to disable your scheduler than scheduler is ready for use.


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